Amid the novel COVID-19, The Spanish King and Queen, Felipe and Letizia, are keeping up with their busy schedule from the Palace of Zarzuela in Madrid. Today in the morning, Queen Letizia held a video conference with Fundación Integra, for the labour integration of people in severe social exclusion.

Coronavirus and the worldwide lockdown has impacted the world economy and many nations are heading towards increased unemployment ratio. Employers are finding it difficult to hire new employees. Amid this, Fundación Integra is focused on filling the positions that have to deal with the pandemic, with substitutions of sick leave, or cleaning and disinfection personnel.

However, despite the need to have a job, many of these people have difficulty accepting the job offered by the Foundation because they have no support network, they cannot leave children with anyone to go to work. In addition, some are afraid of catching or getting the virus, because they are high-risk personnel since their health is weakened due to their past with drugs, previous pathologies or a precarious situation, or sometimes they are living with the elderly.

Fundación Integra has had to adapt its activity due to coronaviruses. Individualized interviews are done over the phone, thus losing relevant information about job candidates.

Next, King Felipe and Queen Letizia held a conversation with the pharmaceutical industry to guarantee the daily supply of medicines during the health crisis and to find a vaccine soon. Through the heads of Farmaindustria, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have been able to learn in detail how the pharmaceutical industry has promised to collaborate with the authorities, as well as with the rest of the Spanish industry, to face this situation together.

Farmaindustria is the National Business Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry established in Spain. It groups the vast majority of pharmaceutical laboratories and producers, which represent almost all of the sales of prescription drugs in Spain. These companies are largely responsible for the value that medicines bring to the socio-economic progress of countries and the quality and life expectancy of citizens.

The companies associated with Farmaindustria are also implementing measures aimed at helping the health system and social organizations (they were able to mobilize more than 8 million euros in aid in the first three weeks of the crisis and more than 250 employees of pharmaceutical companies associated with Farmaindustria have offered to collaborate in hospital centres, field hospitals, medicalized hotels, health centres, analysis laboratories or other support activities that require them, with open collaboration channels with Madrid and Catalonia and professional schools to channel that volunteering).

Then Felipe and Letizia talked to the researchers of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) to learn more about the work and investigations being carried out by the CSIC about COVID-19. The team explained the CSIC’s commitment to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, containment, impact and investigation of COVID-19.

Professor Enjuanes’ group at the CSIC’s National Center for Biotechnology (CNB) is an international reference in this area and is completing the assembly of an attenuated version of the virus that will serve as the basis for a said vaccine.

The CSIC Global Health / Global Health Platform, coordinated by the researcher Margarita del Val, and promoted by the Vice Presidency for Research of the COVID-19 pandemic, aims to coordinate the research of more than 150 CSIC multidisciplinary groups, in biology, chemistry, physics, computing, materials science and also in demography, economics and philosophy.

The platform has already started 25 of these projects, especially thanks to the support of companies and individuals, among which donations from the Fundación MAPFRE and AENA stand out. These are the projects that will allow a much better understanding of virus transmission, its dynamics, and its clinical and epidemiological characteristics. They will also develop new diagnostic technologies, test new antiviral combinations, and contribute to the development of an effective new antigen-based vaccine.
Today, Once again Queen decided to recycle or the better words will be Letizia is running on a capsule wardrobe for this work from the home period. She is wearing the black blazer suit that she has worn many times since the beginning of work from home guidelines and her grey/green blouse also worn last week.

She paired the outfit with her bezel stud earrings and Karen Hallam ring.