Today, Queen Letizia of Spain attended a working meeting of Spanish Red Cross at its headquarters in Madrid to learn more about the challenges of the Red Cross RESPONDE Plan against COVID-19. The Red Cross RESPONDE Plan represents the largest humanitarian operation in the history of the organization in terms of mobilizing resources, capacities and people and has supported, so far, more than 2.5 million people.

The Red Cross is now beginning the second phase of its RESPONDE Plan against COVID-19, marked by the socio-economic impact and the deep crisis that the pandemic is leaving.

After a presentation by the president on the six months of the pandemic, María del Mar Pageo, vice president of CRE and president of the organization in Andalusia, has virtually intervened to present the territorial response. the meeting focused on the response of the volunteers and, in particular, on the new profile of the Red Cross volunteer, with an explanation by Mª Angeles Cacereño. The participants then focused on analyzing the response of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to the pandemic in the world, with a presentation by Xavier Castellanos, Undersecretary-General – Division of Development of National Societies and Coordination of Operations of the International Federation of the CR and the MLR, under the title “No one is safe until we all are”.

This comprehensive response to the pandemic makes it possible to cover the population’s basic needs, and includes different interventions in areas such as emergencies, health care, education, social inclusion, psychosocial support, or the improvement of access to employment. Regarding the forecasts and expectations of the Red Cross against COVID, the president of the Red Cross, Javier Senent, has pointed out that from now on the response will be further intensified in areas such as access to employment or support for school-age minors, without forgetting the vital intervention against the outbreaks that are taking place in the country, all in coordination with the different public administrations.

More than 59,000 people have volunteered for the Red Cross RESPONDE Plan during these months of the pandemic in order to support the most vulnerable people. According to Javier Senent, they are the essential pillar of the Red Cross response to COVID-19 and invites them to continue collaborating in this endeavour: “The COVID-19 pandemic has meant for the Red Cross to be part of a huge wave of solidarity in which thousands of people have been involved; we must be able to continue channelling the solidarity of all the people who want to help and combine responses aimed at facing the health emergency while addressing the consequences of the economic crisis. For this reason, we encourage all the people who want to join the Red Cross volunteering to participate in the response to these problems, ”says Javier Senent.

Among the main actions by areas of the Red Cross RESPONDE, the organization highlights that more than 735,000 people have been assisted from the Social Inclusion area, of which 75% had never gone to the Red Cross before to ask for help, with more than 1, 8 million responses, through actions such as the provision of more than 234,000 kits of food and hygiene products, as well as the delivery of more than 97,000 financial aid to pay for household expenses or supplies. There have also been more than 400,000 calls for follow-up, information and accompaniment to people facing isolation or to carry out procedures or request benefits such as the Minimum Vital Income, for which the Red Cross has made more than 60,000 calls to users who comply with the requirements to request it.
Improving access to employment is one of the priorities in this phase of the Red Cross response as the needs related to job loss are increasing. So far, more than 74,800 people have been assisted from the Red Cross employment plan, with more than 4.6 million responses of information and job orientation, telephone follow-up and employment support to people with the most difficulties to access to the labour market.

She was wearing her Hugo Boss ‘Keili’ Blazer that she first wore in March 2018. Since then Queen has repeated the blazer that came with a matching skirt many times. Today, Letizia paired the blazer with a black top and black skinny trouser.

Queen Letizia wore her BOSS Bella BallerinaPumps with Asymmetric Strap that she debuted in May 2018.

Letizia was carrying her Boss ‘Fanila’ clutch.

Her Chanel ‘Comete’diamond earrings and

Karen Hallam ring finished the look.