Queen Rania of Jordan released a video message of support for the World Economic Forum after its win of Grands Prix de l’économie 2023 Special Jury Prize. The 2023 Economy Grands Prix brought together 800 entrepreneurs on September 14, 2023 at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices where the awards were presented.
Created in 2012, the Geneva Economy Prize and the Innovation Prize aim to promote and enhance Geneva’s economic fabric. They also aim to honour companies whose reputation and influence convey a positive and dynamic image of Geneva. Since 2021, a third Prize has been awarded: the Equality Prize . Its aim is to highlight the need to achieve this equality in business, by rewarding a company which makes particular efforts in this area.
The message was recorded at the Royal Residence of Queen Rania and in the background we can see a picture from Princess Iman’s Wedding in which Rania is standing with her both daughters Iman and Salma and her then daughter-in-law to-be Rajwa Khaled.
Rania was wearing a pink dress with her Elise Dray Pearl Earrings.