The Princess of Asturias, Leonor, attended 3 engagements in Zaragoza. This was Leonor’s first solo outing of the year. since joining the Military Academy in Zaragoza, Leonor has a limited schedule and was only seen at the few public events.
The first engagement of the day was Medal of the Courts of Aragon at the Palace of Aljafería in Zaragoza. The distinction is granted by the Autonomous Parliament of Zaragoza. The event began with the reading of the agreement to award the Medal of the Courts of Aragon by Carmen Rubio, the elder lawyer of the Courts of Aragon, and the president of the Courts of Aragon, accompanied by the former presidents, imposed the Medal on His Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias.
The Medal of Courts was created in 1986 with the aim of recognizing the work of persons, organizations or centres of recognized social identity their work in the defense of Aragonese values and identity. The Princess of Asturias receives the Medal of Aragon, the highest distinction granted by the Aragonese Government and the title of Adoptive Daughter approved by the City of Zaragoza.
The second engagement of the day was at the City of Zaragoza, where Leonor received the title of Adoptive Daughter of the Aragonese capital, to record the affection of the city – by the Princess of Asturias, to value what it represents for the Aragonese capital and all Spain and thank for its connection with the city.
The Mayor of Zaragoza handed over the cane of command to the Princess of Asturias and received the greeting of the members of the Municipal Corporation of the City of Zaragoza, then signed in the honor book and in the Hall of Receptions there was the reading of the agreement granting the title of adopted daughter of Zaragoza by the mayor of Zaragoza who gave the title to Doña Leonor, thus ending this act.
The last event of the day was at the The Seo of the Savior where Princess Leonor received the Medal of Aragon. The event began with the National Anthem and then The President of the Government of Aragon presented the Medal to the Spanish Heiress.
Thanking the gathering, Princess Leonor said, “Today is a special day because the affection of many people of this earth is reflected in the recognitions with which you distinguish me: the title of adopted daughter of Zaragoza, the Medal of the Courts and the Medal of Aragon. My father lived it in a similar way almost 40 years ago and these days we’ve talked a lot about it. Following in his footsteps means a lot to me.”
Then the Princess signed the Book of the Honour.