The Codebreakers Brooch


Duchess of Cambridge honoured her Grandmother Valerie Glassborow and Great Aunt Mary, worked at the Bletchley Park during the Second World War as Codebreakers, by wearing the Codebreakers Brooch. The £29.99 brooch is inspired by the rotors of the Enigma machines, from which Allied cryptologists successfully decrypted a vast number of enemy messages during the Second World War, the Codebreakers brooch is an extraordinary tribute to the work of those in signal intelligence.

The Codebreakers Brooch

Each elegant brooch comes with a certificate to remember one of the 13,000 men and women on the Bletchley Park Roll of Honour and is presented in a keepsake box. At the time of writing, the brooch was still in stock.

Duchess of Cambridge at the remembrande day service in 2019

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