Queen Letizia of Spain today attended two videoconferences at the Royal Palace of Zarzuela in Madrid. Letizia began her day with a conversation with the representatives of the Spanish Confederation of Families of Deaf People (FIAPAS).

They talked about the impact of the pandemic on the personal and associative of a group that represents more than a million people in Spain. FIAPAS have been able to convey to the Queen their concern about the situation of deaf people and their families.

It has become clear, in this exceptional situation of the pandemic, that the great barriers that deaf people and their families face on a daily basis are added to those of the rest of the citizenry. Difficulties such as inaccessible education, interruptions in early care treatments, rehabilitation and adaptations of hearing aids, lack of accessibility to information and communication.

The Queen joined King Felipe held a meeting with the Network of National Parks. They talked about the impact of COVID19 and the absence of visitors on the natural spaces of the National Parks, in a videoconference with four managers.

The parks have a socioeconomic impact on 167 municipalities with a population of one million and a half of inhabitants. Knowing how the absence of visitors has affected it is difficult to specify in this park, since, at this moment, the birdlife is marking its territories and, in the most advanced cases, starting breeding. It is observed that the roads and trails around the viewpoints are more preserved since they are normally degraded due to the trampling of visitors.

The Network of National Parks is regulated in Law 30/2014, of December 3, on National Parks and in RD 389 / of October 22, which approves the Master Plan for the Network of National Parks. These two standards make up the fundamental corpus of the basic legislation on national parks. The surface of the network is made up of 465,371.81 hectares (368,604.09 land and 96,767.72 marines), which represents 0.73% of the land area of Spain. The surface of the areas of socio-economic influence covers 1,772,454.77 hectares, which represents 3.5% of Spanish territory.

For the Day, Queen was wearing a black tweed blazer paired with black trousers.

Update: Queen wore BOSS ‘Koralena’ Structured Tweed Jacket. Thanks to Queen Letizia Style blog for the id update. The tweed jacket was described as, “A two-way zipper in front enhances the sleek look of a collarless jacket tailored from rich tweed with bands of solid trim accentuating the fitted shape.”

Letizia paired the outfit with her bamboo gold earrings and Karen Hallam ring.