Princess Leonor of Spain and her 611 classmates at the Zaragoza General Military academy today participated in the Saber Presentation ceremony at the Academy campus. The ceremony designates each participant as ‘Knight’ or ‘Lady Cadet’. Leonor joined the Academy in August last year as part of the first leg of her Military Training.
During the Ceremony, a second-year student presents a saber to a first-year student as a sign of camaraderie and guardianship. The Academy describes the event as “With this title, the cadets acquire the obligation to embrace the ideals of honor, courage and loyalty included in the Cadet Decalogue. ” The Cadet Decalogue is consists of 10 points, among them are the love and service to the country, loyalty to the Monarch.
he director of the AGM, Manuel Pérez López led the ceremony and after the Saber presentation led the Oath ceremony which read, “Gentlemen and Ladies Ensigns Cadets, Cadets and Students, do you swear by God or do you promise by your conscience and honor to fulfill your military obligations, to keep and ensure that the Constitution is kept as a fundamental norm of the State, obey and respect the King and your leaders, never abandon them and, if necessary, give your life in defense of Spain?” All the students answered the question with a loud “Yes, we swear.”

A valedictorians of each class gave speeches highlighting the life of service, dedication, selflessness and abnegation and the firm commitment to face the harshness of military life to become good officers. The event concluded with the presentation to the Virgin of El Pilar in which all the new cadets participated.
The Princess of Asturias was dropped at the Academy last month by her parents and sister where Leonor is going through one year of armed forces training before moving to Navy training next year. The Palace released few pictures from her first day of training to ensure her privacy through out her training.
The Heiress to the Spanish throne will next participant in the Virgin of Pilar and Flag presentation ceremony on October 06th and 07th. That day, Leonor will graduate to the second year. That has been the only specific and different training element than other students at the Academy. The subjects have been condensed so that Leonor can complete two years long training in one year – so from her arrival until October 7 she will be studying the first year and then she will join the second year course. We might see her on National Day Parade and at the end of the October Leonor will bee seen at the Princess of Asturias Awards which are being held on October 21st.
October marks another big milestone for the Spanish Heiress – On October 31st, The Princess of Asturias, Leonor, will be turning 18. The Age of majority. Palace has not confirmed any plans for the Princess’ birthday celebration yet.
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